Afilia Saga (?????????), Formerly known as Afilia Saga East (??????????????) is a Japanese idol group produced by Halko Momoi and Shikura Chiyomaru, Executive Producer of 5pb (a Tokyo company dedicated to video games, animation, etc). Both compose the songs for the group.
Affiliate Saga East comes from the line of cafes / restaurants Affilia Saga (created by Chiyomaru). The world works like Affiliate Saga RPG regular customers can not only enjoy the food, but win levels or "ranks" through personalized cards. The waitresses are students of the magic from the realm of Affilia that study(work) in the different magical schools (branches). Affilia Saga currently has branches in Osaka, Nagoya, Odaiba, Roppongi, Ueno, and of course, Ikebukuro.
Aria M Milvana
Ayami Chercy Snow
Kohime Lit Pucci
Raymee Heavenly
Louise Sforzur
Maho Sotto Voce
Emiu Weilschmidt
Reina S Mauser
Miku Doll Charlotte
Yukafin Doll
Laura Sucreine
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