在线听众: 195
Radiant RecordsHighschool of the Dead (High school of the Dead) 195 听众 1:30
剩余: 1:30
Radiant Records Highschool of the Dead (High school of the Dead)


Offline / Last online: 13 March 20:18

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Location: No data
Date of Birth: Jan 1, 1970
Gender: Male


About myself: No data

Last songs ordered

  1. Shingeki no Kyojin Akuma no Ko
  2. Teekyuu Qunka
  3. Uchi no Maid ga Uzasugiru! Tokimeki Climax
  4. Everlasting Summer 410
  5. Tokyo Ghoul asphyxia
  6. Pandora Hearts Parallel Hearts
  7. Shin no Nakama ja Nai to Yuusha no Party o Oidasareta node Iki wo Suu Koko de Suu Ikiteku
  8. K-ON! NO Thank You!
  9. Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya God Knows
  10. Mirai Nikki Filament